
May 3, 2018

How is Cohesion Policy presented in the media across territorial levels: Insights from a computational text analysis

The media play a critical role in informing citizens about the EU and its policies. Research shows that the media not only represent news but also redefine and reshape news in ways that affect citizens’ attitudes.
April 30, 2018

Desirable effects of Cohesion Policy – a key notion that is hard to explain

How the Cohesion Policy is perceived depends on the way it is put to life in our vicinity. Particularly important is a notion of relevance of the intervention. Large sums of money are transferred and used regionally for a set of projects that might – to […]
February 13, 2018

Voices from the EU Regions

What do people think about Cohesion policy throughout different regions? This is the question COHESIFY researchers asked to dozens of individuals during focus groups held in 12 countries. The objective of COHESIFY is to assess the impact of Cohesion Policy on EU identification, and the focus […]
January 23, 2018

Additionality of EU Funds in Central and Eastern European countries – recent developments

The aim of Cohesion policy is to provide support to less developed regions in the EU to boost the level of development in these regions: it aims to contribute by providing means for additional investments into growth-enhancing infrastructure, business and human capital investments.
January 10, 2018

COHESIFY partner organises communication event in Madrid

As every year, the Managing Authority of ERDF funds in Spain organised, with the help of Regio Plus Consulting, partner of the COHESIFY project, a dissemination event for citizens and stakeholders. The objective of this workshop was to learn about the progress of the different operational […]
December 18, 2017

Advisory Board and Steering Committee Meetings, 30 November 2017

On 30 November COHESIFY partners met with representatives of the Advisory Board, namely professor Thomas Risse (Free University Berlin), Wolfgang Petzold (Committee of the Regions), Dirk Ahner (EC Adviser) and Agnès Monfret (DG REGIO, Head of Communication) in order to present preliminary research results. The meeting, chaired […]
December 7, 2017

Evaluating the Communication of Cohesion Policy

Communication is an integral part of Cohesion Policy which aims to highlight the contribution of the European Union to national and local development, to ensure that potential beneficiaries know about available funding opportunities, and ultimately to contribute to the creation of a shared European identity.