
Cohesion in Rural Europe

European Parliament, Members’ Salon, Brussels Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels, Belgium

If Europe is to unlock the potential of all its territories while achieving its ambitious targets, a more complete and comprehensive strategy is needed. Join the RUMRA Intergroup as we discuss what lessons rural and urban areas can learn from the past, and how can future […]

7th Cohesion Forum

Charlemagne Building Rue de la Loi 170, Brussels, Belgium

Cross-border regions & inter-regional policy transfer in the past, present & future

Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, Budapest Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

The past plays a crucial role in understanding, developing and implementing regional economic development policies. History reveals path dependencies in regions’ economies and informs about the successes and failures of policy instruments. As part of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Regional Studies Association, the RSA […]