July 9, 2018
Does Cohesion Policy have an impact on how citizens perceive and identify with the EU? And how effectively is the policy being communicated to the general public? These and related questions formed the basis of the two-year research project COHESIFY, the final results of which were […]
May 14, 2018
L’agenda ONU 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile (2015) delinea nel suo programma d’azione 17 obiettivi-chiave volti a “costruire economie dinamiche, sostenibili, innovative e incentrate sulle persone“, al fine di “promuovere la comprensione interculturale, la tolleranza, il rispetto reciproco, insieme a un’etica di cittadinanza globale e di […]
May 14, 2018
The two-year, multidisciplinary research project COHESIFY funded by the Horizon2020 Programme has found clear evidence of the impact of Cohesion Policy on citizens’ perceptions of the EU and European identity. A key finding, which has important implications for the MFF debate, is that spending through Cohesion […]
May 14, 2018
The launch of the European Commission’s proposals for the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) throws a spotlight on how the EU budget should be used to maximise the added value of EU spending.
May 14, 2018
The launch of the European Commission’s proposals for the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) throws a spotlight on how the EU budget should be used to maximise the added value of EU spending.
May 14, 2018
Es kommt nicht allzu oft vor, dass deutsche und französische Bauern an einem Strang ziehen. Doch wenn es, wie jetzt, um Geld aus Brüssel geht, üben die Landwirte der beiden größten EU-Staaten den Schulterschluss: Weil im nächsten Sieben-Jahres-Budget der EU spürbare Kürzungen der EU-Agrarhilfen geplant sind, […]